by 여주유앤아이 다이노브라키오
1. English Vocabulary Test Level-Up↑If you are a learner who is using the app for the first time, we...
1. English Vocabulary Test Level-Up↑If you are a learner who is using the app for the first time, we recommend that you first try "Test your English vocabulary -> at the top of the menu." This is because I think that it will be an effective learning opportunity if you diagnose your current English vocabulary, find the level you are lacking and actively repeat it.▶ Each step has a time limit of 15 seconds and a limit of 5 [answer selection] times. Estimated time may vary by level and learner. For example, Level1 36 steps is expected to be [36 steps * 15 seconds = 9 minutes]. The learners solving time is fast, so if the average is 10 seconds, it can be shortened to [36 steps * 10 seconds = 6 minutes]. Below is the basic time required. ⊙ Level 1 36: [09 minutes]⊙ Level 2 Level 60: [15 minutes]⊙ Level 3 Level 61: [15 minutes 15 seconds]⊙ Level 4 Level 29: [07 min 15 sec]⊙ Level 5 level 90: [22 min 30 sec]⊙ Level 6 level 90: [22 min 30 sec]▶ After the test, look at the "progress, scoring, correct rate" of each Level1/2/3/4/5/6 result.Yes)⊙ Level 1 36 steps▫ Date: 09/12▫ Progress: 06/36: Proceed to step 6 out of a total of 36 steps▫ Scoring: 25/30: Total of 30 [6 steps * 5 questions] 25 of the questions answered correctly▫ Correct answer rate: 83.3%▫ Score: 2750P▶ Set the target for the correct answer rate of the insufficient level higher, and then start the "1830 essential English word learning" individually.2. Learn and Test 1830 Essential English Vocabulary⊙ Level 1: 180 words [phonics]⊙ Level 2: 300 words [required elementary school #A]⊙ Level 3 : 305 words [Elementary Required #B]⊙ Level 4: 145 words [irregular verbs]⊙ Level 5: 450 words [Secondary required #A]⊙ Level 6: 450 words [Secondary required #B]▶ If you learn the pronunciation and shape of basic words, you can easily read and learn similar words.⊙ Level 1 [Phonics]▫ □a□ / □e□ / □i□ / □o□ / □u□▫ □a□e / □i□e / □o□e / □u□e▫ □ai□▫ □ee□ / □ea□▫ □ie□▫ □oa□ / □oi□Yes)▫ □ee□: seed [seed], tree [tree]▫ □ea□: weak [weak], seat [seat], tea [tea], sleep [sleep], wheel [wheel]▫ □ai□: jail [jail], pain [pain]▶ If you learn basic words, you can easily learn prefixes [suffixes] and words combined with other words.Yes)⊙ Level 2&3 [required for elementary school]▫ farm [farm]▫ farmer▫ farmland▫ stick▫ chop▫ chopstick [chopsticks]▫ hand [hand]▫ shake▫ handshake [handshake]▫ honest▫ honesty⊙ Level 5&6 [required for secondary school]▫ curious [curious]▫ curiosity▫ value [value, evaluate]▫ valuable▫ information▫ informative [informative, educational]▫ informatively▫ informativeness▶ You can easily learn words that have similar pronunciation / meaning / type or are confused together.Yes)⊙ Level 2&3 [required for elementary school]▫ worm [worm]▫ warm▫ quite▫ quiet [quiet]▫ fun [fun]▫ pun [pun intended]▫ behind [behind]▫ beyond [beyond]▫ below▫ along▫ alone⊙ Level 5&6 [required for secondary school]▫ resolve▫ resolution▫ resolute [resolute, firm]▫ solve [solve, solve]▫ solution [solve, dissolve]▫ revolution▫ fault▫ faulty▫ faculty [faculties, abilities]▫ terrible [terrible, harsh]▫ terrific [wonderful, wonderful]▫ traffic▫ industry▫ industrial [commercial, industrial]▫ industrious [industrious, industrious]▫ geology▫ geography▶ Move the Study / Test toggle switch, learn the pronunciation and meaning of a total of 1830 words according to your level, and start the test.3. Learn and test 730 basic Chinese characters⊙ Level 1: 385 characters - Chinese characters to learn in principle⊙ Level 2 : 345 characters - Chinese characters to learn in principle▶ If you learn basic Chinese characters, you can easily learn Chinese characters that are combined with basic Chinese characters.Yes)▫ 八 [eight arms]▫ 刀 [sword sword]▫ minutes [minutes to share]▫ 田 [in front of the field]▫ Wood [tree tree]▫ 果 [Fruit Fruit]▫ 幺 [small yo]▫ force [strength force]▫ 幼 [Young Yoo]▫ 水 [number of water] = 氵 [trimodal number] The shape when water is used as a stool▫ Wood [tree tree]▫ 沐 [throat to bathe]▫ 手 [number of hands] = 才 [number of repeats] The shape when 手 (number) is used as a side▫ 丁 [Jangjeong, Gomraejeong]▫ 打 [Chilta]▫ 田 [in front of the field]▫ 畓 [answer]▫ 去 [I will go]▫ law [law law]▶ If you have similar or confusing Chinese characters together, you can learn them easily.Yes)▫ door [door door]▫ 間 [between]▫ 問 [Water Gate]▫ 聞 [to hear]▫ 閑 [as long as it is leisurely] ▫ 心 [heart heart] = 忄 [heart change heart] The shape of the heart when used as a stool▫ 亡 [Damn Man]▫ 忙 [busy man]▫ 忘 [forgotten man]▶ Start testing by learning the meaning of a total of 730 Chinese characters [Basic characters / Similar or confusing Chinese characters / Basic character combinations] according to your level.4. Break Time Number Magic Performance⊙ Beginner: A magic performance to guess the number between 1 and 15⊙ Intermediate: Perform a magic performance to guess a number between 1 and 49.▶ You can find the opponents number by adding up the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 on the card according to the conditions. The secret to finding the number of the other party is the principle of binary numbers. With a little practice, anyone can become a great number magic performer. If you have any questions, please visit the cafe.5. App Settings and Troubleshooting▫ English pronunciation voice support settings[ Settings -> General -> Speech -> Language -> English -> OK ]▫ When text is not visible[ Settings -> Applications -> GuessTheNumber -> Storage -> Delete Data -> OK ]▫ Initialize test results[ Settings -> Applications -> GuessTheNumber -> Storage -> Delete Data -> OK ]